In this article, we will list the most common issues you may experience for owning a kids ride-on car. Following this article will make it easier for you and our customer service team to pinpoint the exact part which is causing the issues which means we can get you up and running a lot quicker! 🙂
This article will help you troubleshoot the issue with the following parts:
- Battery
- Motor(s)
- Receiver/main circuit board
- Parental remote control
- Power switch/ignition barrel
- Media player
- Speed switch
- Light switch
- 4WD switch
- Pedal switch
- Gear shifter/stick
- Steering wheel
- Steering wheel media control buttons
- Wheel
How to troubleshoot a faulty battery?
Common symptoms of a faulty battery are:
- Vehicle drives but cuts out intermittently
- Vehicle does not charge
- Vehicle is a lot slower than usual
- Vehicle battery does not last long
- Vehicle turns on but does not move
- Vehicle keeps restarting
- Vehicle does not turn on
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty battery:
- Try and turn the car on, if this does not turn on, check the battery is connected properly
- If the car is turning on, check the voltage on the music display, this should never be lower than 2 of the total voltage (e.g. 10 on display for a 12V model)
- Fully charge the vehicle and use a multimeter to check the voltage of the battery. The voltage should never be lower than the total voltage.
What should I do if my battery is faulty?
If the battery is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the battery you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty motor(s)?
Common symptoms of a faulty motor(s) are:
- Clunking or grinding noise when driving
- Wheels are going in the wrong direction
- One wheel is going forward & the others backward
- The item is turning on and fully charged but not moving
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty motor:
- First, check both wires and soldered on in the motor, as sometimes these may snap off.
- If the wires are connected, then try to listen if the motor is making a grinding or clunking noise. If so, the motor is faulty and will require replacement.
- A good way to test if one of the motors is faulty is to disconnect one of the motors at a time and try to drive the car with just the other motor(s) connected. By doing this, we can isolate the faulty motor(s).
- If one wheel is going forward and the other wheel going backwards the manufacturers have connected the wires on the motor the wrong way around and this can be easily fixed by swapping the wires in the plug and this will resolve the issue.
- If both motors are spinning the wrong way around, this means the left motor has been put on the right and the right on the left. Please swap them around and the issue will be resolved.
What should I do if my motor is faulty?
If the motor is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the motor you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty receiver/main circuit board?
Common symptoms of a faulty receiver/main circuit board are:
- Vehicle turns on but does not drive.
- Vehicle does not turn left/right via remote.
- Vehicle does not pair with the parental remote.
- Vehicle goes backward but not forward.
- Vehicle is turning on and displays full voltage but does not drive.
- Vehicle works with the pedal but not parental remote.
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty receiver/main circuit board:
- Test the car with the remote control first.
- Check the battery voltage to confirm the battery is in good condition.
- Check all clips/connectors are plugged into the receiver/main circuit board and that no wires are handed out.
- If the car is not turning left or right first check the bolt on the steering rod, then check the steering motor is connected properly, if both checks ass then the chances are, the receiver/main circuit board is faulty.
What should I do if my receiver/main circuit board is faulty?
If the receiver/main circuit board is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the receiver/main circuit board you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty parental remote control?
Common symptoms of a faulty parental remote control are:
- Car does not pair with the parental remote control.
- There are no lights on the remote control, even after changing the batteries.
- The lights will not go stable and continuously flash even after following the correct pairing procedure.
- Car works with pedal but not remote
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty parental remote control:
- Try and pair the remote with the car.
- Try new batteries. Make sure the new batteries are brand new and are the same brand.
- Test the vehicle with the pedal, if it works with the pedal, the most likely fault is with the parental remote control.
What should I do if my parental remote control is faulty?
If the parental remote control is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the parental remote control you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty power switch/ignition barrel?
Common symptoms of a faulty power switch/ignition barrel are:
- Car does not turn on
- Only the power switch light up
- You need to hold down the power button for it to stay on
- Key won't turn to ignition
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty power switch/ignition barrel:
- The lights will not come on (red light on the switch) when pressing it down
- The button will not go into the ON position
- The button will not stay in ON position
- If you see any of the above, the power switch will need to be replaced.
- The wires have snapped off and will need to be re-soldered. You can check this by removing the power switch/ignition barrel, or going into the dashboard to check the wires have not been damaged/dislodged.
- The key barrel is damaged, this will be visible and if this is the case, the whole barrel will need to be replaced.
What should I do if my power switch/ignition barrel is faulty?
If the switch/ignition barrel is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the power switch/ignition barrel you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty media player?
Common symptoms of a faulty media player are:
- There is no sound coming from the vehicle
- There is no power to the media player
- Media player does not work
- Buttons do not work on media player
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty media player:
- If the issue is with no sound coming out of the speakers, firstly check to see if there is power to the LCD display. If there is power, then, the speaker wire may be disconnected.
- If there is no power to the LCD at all, firstly make sure the USB port is not corroded and then check the wires behind (same as speaker) the media player are connected properly. If all wires are connected then you need to replace the music display.
What should I do if my media player is faulty?
If the media player is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the media player you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty speed switch?
Common symptoms of a faulty speed switch are:
- Speed not changing from low to high
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty speed switch:
- Please remove the switch by prying it off with a soft plastic pryer or a flat head screwdriver. Once removed, make sure both wires are connected: there will be 1 wire for low and 1 for high, they may just need to be re-connected. If both are connected you can then replace the switch.
What should I do if my speed switch is faulty?
If the speed switch is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the speed switch you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty light switch?
Common symptoms of a faulty light switch are:
- Vehicle lights do not turn on
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty light switch:
- Bulb failure is very rare therefore please eliminate the cables on the switch itself by prying the switch off it's housing and making sure the cables are connected properly. If the cables are connected, then the most likely fault is the switch so please contact our customer service team.
What should I do if my light switch is faulty?
If the light switch is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the light switch you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty 4WD switch?
Common symptoms of a faulty 4WD switch are:
- Car does not switch between 2WD and 4WD
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty 4WD switch:
- First, please make sure you check the motor/s have been connected properly and go through the motor troubleshooting guide, to eliminate motors as the culprit.
- Pry the switch off its housing to make sure the wires have not been dislodged.
- If the motor/s have been eliminated as the faulty part and the wires are connected properly on the switch, then, the fault is most likely the Four Wheel Drive Switch.
What should I do if my 4WD switch is faulty?
If the 4WD switch is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the 4WD switch you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty pedal switch?
Common symptoms of a faulty pedal switch are:
- Vehicle turns on but does not move
- Vehicle drives but cuts out intermittently
- Works with remote but not with pedal
- Vehicle is turning on with full voltage but not driving
- Vehicle drives as soon as it is turned on without pressing the pedal or remote
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty pedal switch:
- Test the Ride On with the parental remote control, if it works with the remote, the pedal switch in the vehicle is most likely faulty.
- If possible please make sure you have the child sitting on the ride-on when doing the test as we want to replicate normal driving conditions and eliminate other issues. This applies to troubleshooting via parental remote.
- Another method of testing the pedal switch -which is more advanced and should only be carried out by those that are comfortable and have experience with wiring- is by removing the pedal from the car, removing the wires from the pedal housing and touching the two wires together, if this turns the motors then the Pedal switch is faulty. We'd advise removing the rear wheels when running this test, doing so will be safer due to the fact the vehicle is sitting stationary.
What should I do if my pedal switch is faulty?
If the pedal switch is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the pedal switch you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty gear switch?
Common symptoms of a faulty gear switch are:
- Vehicle does not drive forward/back with the pedal but works with remote.
- Vehicle drives forward but not on reverse.
- Vehicle drives on reverse but not forward.
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty gear switch:
- Before proceeding with the below, make sure the MainBoard/Speed Controller connections are all in place as this could also prevent it from working forward or reverse. You should also check the MainBoard/Speed Controller troubleshooting guide the eliminate this as the culprit.
- Make sure the gear switch wires are connected by prying the switch off its housing and making sure the wires are not dislodged.
- If the wires are connected, this could mean that the Gear Switch is faulty and will need replacing.
What should I do if my gear switch is faulty?
If the gear switch is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the gear switch you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty gear shifter/stick?
Common symptoms of a faulty gear shift/stick are:
- Vehicle does not drive forward/back with the pedal but works with the remote.
- Vehicle drives forward but not in reverse.
- Vehicle drives in reverse but not forward.
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty gear shift/stick:
- Before proceeding with the below, make sure the MainBoard/Speed Controller connections are all in place as this could also prevent it from working forward or reverse. You should also check the MainBoard/Speed Controller troubleshooting guide the eliminate this as the culprit.
- Make sure the gear stick wires are connected by simply removing the screws next to the gear stick and removing this from the body to check that the wires have not been dislodged.
- If the wires are connected, this could mean that the Gear Stick is faulty and will need replacing.
- If the gear stick will physically not go into forward or reverse you will need to replace the gearstick.
What should I do if my gear shift/stick is faulty?
If the gear shift/stick is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the gear shift/stick you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty steering wheel?
Common symptoms of a faulty steering wheel are:
- Steering Wheel Feels Loose/Does not Steer
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty steering wheel:
- If the car is not turning left or right, first check the bolt on the steering rod, if this is in place, please check the steering motor to make sure it is connected.
- Check to make sure the steering wheel bolt is secured correctly to the top of the rod.
What should I do if my steering wheel is faulty?
If the steering wheel is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the steering wheel you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty steering wheel media control buttons?
Common symptoms of a faulty steering wheel media control buttons are:
- Steering controls do not work
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty steering wheel media control buttons:
- Firstly remove the steering wheel gently and make sure none of the wires are snapped from the dashboard side or steering wheel. If the steering wheel wires are snapped/damaged we can replace the steering wheel, if the cables are snapped/damaged on the dashboard, you will need to contact us to arrange the repair. Please keep in mind the vehicle needs to be disassembled and packaged securely for delivery to us.
- If the buttons are not working, make sure there is no damage to the buttons and that they click correctly. For battery-operated steering wheels, replace the batteries for Duracell ones. If it is a wire-operated one you will also need to check the speaker wire behind the music display to ensure this is connected.
What should I do if my steering wheel media control buttons is faulty?
If the steering wheel media control buttons is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the steering wheel media control buttons you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
How to troubleshoot a faulty wheel?
Common symptoms of a faulty wheel are:
- The wheel does not spin when the motor is spinning
- The wheel falls off when driving
- The wheel will not stay on the axle
Depending on the symptoms above, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot a faulty wheel:
- With snap or clip-on wheels you need to check the springs inside the wheel, these are responsible for securing the wheel onto the axle. If springs are missing or are not positioned correctly, this will cause the wheel to not function as intended.
- If the wheel is not spinning on one side, you will need to use the wrenches provided to untighten the bolt. Wheels nuts which are too taught will prevent the wheel from spinning freely and cause wear on the motors as well cause battery degradation.
- If the wheel falls off when driving this means the washers are not present or the split pins to hold the wheel in place have either not been inserted correctly or missing entirely.
What should I do if my wheel is faulty?
If the wheel is faulty, it needs to be replaced. If you need help, feel free to contact us for help. Please make sure you provide the following information for us to process your request quickly:
- Your order number and/or proof of purchase along with the sales channel (ex., Amazon, etc.). You can use your order number as the subject line.
- The model number of the ride-on car. This can be found on the box, user's manual or the "SKU" field on the product page of If you are unable to find the model number, feel free to send us a photo of the car.
- Take a photo of the wheel you have in order for our customer service team to identify the correct part.
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